Sunday, April 20, 2014

String Manipulation Functions in PHP

In the previous post Properties
of String in PHP
, we were discussing about the different properties
of strings in PHP. String manipulation as you know, is an important part of
web programming. PHP being a web programming language thus provides good set
of string manipulation functions. In this post we’re going to discuss
some of those which arte frequently needed.

1. trim() function

Prototype: string trim (string str);

This function strips white spaces from the start and end of the string supplied
returning the resulting string..

When we have to take user input via form, it’d be a good idea to “trim”
the variables as extra white spaces sometimes creep in.


2. explode() function

Prototype: array explode (string separatorstring inputint limit);

The argument “limit” is optional.

This function splits the string “input” on a specified “separator”
and returns the different split strings as an array. The optional parameter
“limit” determines the maximum number of splitting you want.

$str="String Manipulation in PHP";

$arr=explode(" "$str);

Now $arr would be having the following values:





2. substr() function

Prototype: string substr (string strint startint length);

“length” is optional.

This function can help you take a sub string starting from the position “start”
till the end (or the “length”, if specified) from the string “str”.

$str="She is here";



$s will contain “he is here”.

$s2 will contain “he is”.

Note: Position of first character is 0.

4. strlen() function

Prototype: int strlen (string str);

It returns the length of the string “str”.

$str="PHP is Great";


$len = 12 here.

5. strcmp() function

Prototype: int strcmp (string str1string str2);

This function does a case-sensitive comparison of the two strings passed “str1”
and “str2” and returns 0 if both are identical. It returns other
negative and positive values in other cases depending on which string is greater
in lexicographic order.

6. strpos() function

Prototype: int strpos (string haystackstring needleint offset);

“offset” is optional. “needle” is the string to be searched
for in “haystack”.

It returns the position of the first occurrence of the string “needle”
in “haystack” starting from the position “offset”, if

$haystack="We are discussing string manipulation functions in PHP";



$pos will contain 3.

Note: Position of first character is 0.

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